What are mudras? + Jnana Mudra

"seal", "mark", or "gesture" in Sanskrit
Our hands hold energetic points for the five elements: space, air, fire, water & earth. Mudras are hand gestures practiced during meditation that carry specific goals of channeling your body’s energetic flow and these elements. In Hatha yoga, mudras are often employed along with pranayama while meditating in a seated lotus position.
To use a mudra, it is usually more effective to do for at least two minutes, and even more effective for 15 minutes or so - try making it part of your meditation. Hold the finger-positions with both hands; this will have a more powerful effect than doing it with just one hand. Some mudras are simple enough so that you can even do them with your hands in your pockets, so you can do these anywhere & anytime that you like.
For the next few weeks we'll be sharing one of our favorite mudras with you every Friday! Today it's the JNANA MUDRA:
Jnana Mudra or Gyan Mudra is the most common yogic mudra used in meditation. In Sanskrit, the word ‘Jnana’ means knowledge or wisdom, and this mudra is the gesture of Knowledge or wisdom.
To practice Jnana Mudra, place the tips of your thumbs and index fingers to form a circle, with the palms facing up and the other three fingers straight. This mudra's intention is to improve your concentration and sharpen your memory, and is also a great mudra to use when seeking to gain knowledge or insight into your life. It stimulates an opening effect, allowing for a receiving from the divine source.